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The best of both worlds; our RGB Switchback halos are color changing but also feature a white and turn signal mode. No compromises here! Multi-color functionality with our industry-leading XKchrome Bluetooth Controller and two input wires for the drivers to control the white and amber turn signal modes. Forget the old and tired 5050 halos with the dotted appearance when on and well….you know how they look when they’re off! Our RGB Switchback halos feature advanced micro-SMD technology for a nice even glow when the they’re are on and a cleaner, more professional appearance when they’re off. The external drivers take all that unnecessary heat away from the leds for unmatched reliability giving you halos that’ll shine for the years to come!



Built with 16 bit gamma correction, XKchrome provides over 16 million vibrant colors, allowing the user to choose any color with a single tap. Each controller has two zones that can simultaneously run different colors and patterns, allowing more room for creativity and uniqueness compared to other automotive LED lights. Up to 6 controllers (12 zones) can be connected at the same time.



Music is the essence of life; and we make it the essence of light. XKchrome's Music Sync feature enables lights to dance with the rhythm of any song in your phone, or with any sound picked up by the microphone. To maximize visual effect, our adaptive algorithm dynamically adjusts the volume sensitivity. No matter if it's a country music or a hard rock, just lay back and enjoy the full spectrum you defined for your favorite song.


RGB Switchback Halo Kit - Smartphone App-enabled Bluetooth Multi-Color

    • 1pc XKchrome BLE 4.0 app controller. Click here for detailed instructions
    • 2pc halo.
    • 2pc halo driver.
    • ON/OFF switch wire.
    • Misc. accessories.

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